Setting up Rewardly for the first time

The Home screen may be modified in the future
Rewardly Merchant Portal walkthrough
Home Screen Layout
Upon successful login to the Rewardly Merchant portal, you will greet by the home screen as below.
1 Toggle to expand or collapse the side menu
2 Merchant Brand and Rewardly master setting
4 Account settings bar
5 Main viewing area
Skip 1
2 Merchant Brand and Rewardly master setting
- This section will display the merchant brand name. Brand name should be the customer-fronting trade name of a business.
- Rewardly allows admin users to change the trade name for now but reserve the right to restrict and modify the trade name.
- Admin users can click on the Edit button to access to Rewardly account setting
- Here is how the account setting page looks like
1 Main setting
- Category - None editable field. Please submit a ticket to the Rewardly team to edit this field value.
- Name - Merchant representing the brand name. Merchant brand names should adhere to Rewardly T&C at all times.
- Sub domain - Sub-domain automatically derived from the Name field.
- Eg. https://{brandname} represents the unique URL of a merchant's Rewardly session.
- Please contact Rewardly team if you wish to change the Subdomain name.
- Promote my brand - This function will highlight the merchant brand in the Rewardly World.
- This function is only available in phase 2.
- Is active - Status of a Rewardly Member App. When set to off, the merchant's Rewardly Member App is disabled and not accessible.
- Description - Brief description of the merchant brand.
- ID - Unique Id representing the merchant.
- Code - Alternative merchant code to access the merchant Rewardly session.
- SMS Ticket Count - Total count of outbound SMS triggers for the merchant.
- Email Ticket Count - Total count of outbound Email triggers for the merchant.
- Referral Ticket Count - Total referrals are done in the merchant session (Deprecated).
- Partner Code - Affiliated partner code.
- A Rewardly affiliated partner or reseller refers Rewardly merchant.
2 Image setting
Uploaded images will show in the Rewardly Member App.
The image field will show in the Rewardly Member App as the hero image
- Image resolution 350x180px or multiplying factor (eg. 750x360px)
The logo will show in the Rewardly Member App in the merchant logo
Logo resolution 60x60px or multiplying factor (eg. 120x120px)
1 Contacts - The contact details will cascade to the outlet contact automatically when setting up a new outlet
2 Working hours - The merchant working hours will cascade to the outlet contact automatically when setting up a new outlet

4 Loyalty setting
- The loyalty program setting applies globally to the merchant Rewardly session to all outlets.
- To create a variable loyalty program mechanism, merchants can make use of the Advanced Rules setting.
- Loyalty Program Setting
- New Loyalty Unit
- Name - The alias to represent the loyalty point. Eg. pt, bean, pearl, star, etc.
- Type - Select the loyalty program type.
- Point
- The Point Systems loyalty program consists of input and output point settings.
- Input (earn) refers to the conversion of loyalty points from the qualifying dollar amount that the member spent.
- For example, when the earn rate is set to a 1:10 ratio, a member spends $2 and earns 20 points.
- Output (burn) refers to the dollar value conversion from point to offset the payable amount at the POS system.
- For example, when the burn rate is set to 100:1, a member uses 100 points to offsite $1 at the POS system.
- Dollar
- The Dollar Systems loyalty program consists of only input settings.
- Input (earn) refers to the conversion of loyalty points from the qualifying dollar amount that the member spent.
- For example, when the earn rate is set to a 1:10 ratio, a member spends $2 and earns 20 points.
- Point to currency value - This is the setting to define the output/burn rate of the loyalty point. Eg. 100 points = $1.
- Membership min active days - Minimum active days derived from POS transaction record or any redemption of points.
- Point validity in days - The point validity calculate by FIFO logic.
- Other Program Setting
- Upgrade membership automatically - Allows Rewardly to manage the membership upgrade automatically when the condition is met (based on the advanced membership setting).
- This setting should turn on at all times unless the merchant is going to upgrade or downgrade the membership tier manually.
- Allow members to skip levels - Members can upgrade or downgrade by skipping levels. Eg. Bronze to Gold and bypass Silver.
- Allow redeem loyalty - Allow members to redeem loyalty points directly from POS. This setting is only applied to Eats365 POS currently.
- Include service charge for point calculation - Include service charges in the loyalty point calculation.
- Disable store credit - Disable the store credit function in Rewardly Member App.
- Disable promotion - Disable the brand promotion function for the merchant in Rewardly Member App.
- Allow Referral - Enable the Referral program in Rewardly Member App.
- Allow Voucher Birth Month - Issue birthday vouchers on the month's first day for merchants who enable the birthday voucher scheme.
- Allow Birthday Voucher Auto Send Email - Notify members of the birthday voucher via email (Messaging credit applied).
- Allow Birthday Voucher Auto Send SMS - Notify members of the birthday voucher via SMS (Messaging credit applied).
- Allow negative value store credit - Allow members to overutilize store credit into negative value (Advanced subscription applied).
- Type
- Limited - Control the maximum store credit limit that the member can make an overdraft within the Cycle period (day, month, or quarter).
- Unlimited - Do not control the store credit limit that the member can make an overdraft within the Cycle period (day, month, or quarter).
- Amount - Enter the maximum amount if the "Limited" option is selected.
- Start date - The starting date of the Store Credit.
- Cycle - Cycle period in day, month, or quarter.
- Billing Cycle - Billing cycle in the month or quarter.
- Send sms - Billing notification sent by SMS.
- Send email - Billing notification sent by Email.

5 Store Credit setting
- Configure the expiry date for the store credit. This setting is only applicable to normal Store Credit.
6 Voucher event setting
- Merchants can modify the default event name with their phrase to align with their branding tone
- Merchants can enable Customize voucher event titles and make necessary amendments on the original phrase to their own
- Following event names are reserved for automation and shall not change
- Birthday - Automatically sending the voucher to the members
- First-time shopper - Automatically sending the welcome vouchers to the members

7 Term body setting
- Merchants can customize their own PDPA write up
8/9/10 3rd Party Application Integration
- Rewardly is readily integrated with some 3rd party applications and continues to expand the integration with more application
- Following applications have already been integrated with Rewardly
- POS System
- Vend/Lightspeed Retail X
- Shopify POS
- Eats365 POS
- Revel POS
- SquareUp
- Loyverse
- eCommerce
- Shopify eCommerce
- Payment
- Stripe
- Atome (BNPL)
- Pace (BNPL)
- GrabPay
- GrabPayLater (BNPL)
- ShopeePay
- Credit Card (Visa, Master, Amex, Diner)
- AliPay/WeChat Pay
- PayNow
- UnionPay
- Singtel Dash
- Crypto Currency
11 Disqualify words
- Disqualify words - Allow the merchant to configure the words from the submitted scanned receipt that will disqualify for the loyalty point claim.
- Please submit a request here for 3rd party app integration

- Order - Built-in Rewards redemption and product selling function for merchants to help their members register sales or utilize rewards. Rewardly also provide merchants with Rewardly Store App (Native app) for managing the membership operation on the shop floor.
- Outlets - Merchants can set up one or multiple outlets to enable the rewards function.
- Dashboard - Rewardly dashboard provides a collection of high-level overviews of the overall membership program performance, including Sales Summary, Overview, and Member Insight.
- Product Master - Merchants can set up their products in Rewardly and enable the digital ordering function to streamline sales operations and membership interoperability to enhance customer experience.
- Programs - Merchants can set up different engagement or rewards programs that suit their needs. Rewardly provide the following program functions,
- Multi-tiers membership
- Store credit
- Loyalty point
- Digital stamp
- Pre-paid package
- Voucher
- Printed voucher
- Discount
- Referral
- Members - Merchants can access the complete list of members who have joined their membership program.
- Transaction - Merchants can access the POS, digital ordering, and reward programs transactions.
- Marketing - Merchants can set up marketing automation and event trigger messaging rules using the built-in Rewardly marketing communication function.
- Rewardly Order - If the merchant has enabled Rewardly Order! digital ordering function, they can keep track of incoming orders through here.

3 Account setting bar
"English / 简体中文 / Монгол“ - Allow the user to toggle to the preferred language

- Access to the notification generated by Rewardly

- Manually refresh the data for the current module. Rewardly will automatically refresh the module by the fixed interval.

- Access to the current user profile or logout from the merchant portal
You are the champion that made it to the finish line! We hope that this guide has given you relevant information about Rewardly.
Please share with us if you have any topics that you wish to see in the future!
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